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Window Required

Key name: Window
Element type: Dictionnary
Status: Required

Groups all the keys associated to the window configuration.


NameTypePossible valuesRequired
MinimumSizeDictionary (Size)-
MaximumSizeDictionary (Size)-
MenuBarSizeDictionary (Size)-
PositionDictionary (Window position)-
OnScreenStringSimple, BlurredBackground, FullScreen, MenuBarRequired
MenuBarIconPath PROString
AppIconPath PROString



Type: String
Explanation: The title of the window in the title bar. If this key is omitted, no title is displayed in the title bar.


Type: String
Explanation: If set to true, the title bar will be hidden. Default is false.


Type: Dictionary (Size)
Explanation: The minimum size at which the window can be resized. Default is 600 x 800.


Type: Dictionary (Size)
Explanation: The maximum size at which the window can be resized. Default is 768 x 1280.

Type: Dictionary (Size)
Explanation: The size of the window when using the MenuBar value for OnScreen key. Default is 600 x 800.


Type: Boolean
Explanation: If true the window can be closed by the user. Default is true.


Type: Boolean
Explanation: If true the window can be moved/dragged by the user. Default is true.


Type: Boolean
Explanation: If true the window wan be resized by the user (accordingly with the specified sizes). Default is true.


Type: Int
Explanation: Let you specify the index of the screen where the window should appear. If not specified, it’s the current screen that is chosen.


Type: Boolean
Explanation: If true, the window is always in the foreground. Default is false.


Type: Dictionary of Window Position
Explanation: Let you specify where the window should appear.

Window Position

Let you specify a window position on the screen.

KeyTypePossible keysExplanationRequired
HorizontalStringLeft, Center, RightHorizontal positionRequired
VerticalStringTop, Center, BottomVertical positionRequired
Padding Number-Add padding to the side of the window. Default is 20.

OnScreen Required

Type: String
Explanation: Specify how the Octory window should appear on screen. When BlurredBackground or FullScreen are specified, the other keys in the Window dictionary are ignored, except for the MaximumSize, which is used to configure the window with BlurredBackground. For MenuBar option, see the MenuBarSlide.

Type: String
Explanation: Let you specify the icon to use for the menu bar icon.


If you use a custom menu bar icon, use a vector format like PDF or SVG. The system automatically scales a vector-based interface icon for high-resolution displays, so you don’t need to provide high-resolution versions of it. In contrast, PNG — used for app icons and other images that include effects like shading, textures, and highlighting — doesn’t support scaling. You would have to create a PNG-based interface icon hoping it would display well in all scenarios. When using PNG, we recommend an icon with a height of 20 pixels.

AppIconPath PRO

Type: String
Explanation: Let you specify the icon to use for the dock icon. You can use an .icns file or any .png image following Apple icon guideline.

Command line

You can override the value for the OnScreen key in the plist by launching the app with an argument: -w or --window and the name of the OnScreen value you want. For example:

/path/to/ -w MenuBar


/path/to/ --window MenuBar

will set the app window as MenuBar no matter what is in the plist.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
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